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media department

Kabid - Thalya Irham .png

Thalya Irham

Kepala Bidang Kominfo

"hidup santai seperti larry "

Kepala Departemen Media - Hani .png

Desty M. Maharani

Kepala Departemen Media

"nestle >>> aqua, stay hydrated <3"

Wakil Kepala Departemen Media - Calista.png

Calista Eleanor

Wakil Kepala Departemen Media

"Live life mindfully."


Editor in Chief - Celine .png

Theresa Joyceline Christy

Editor In Chief

"Progress over Perfection"

Secretary - Rafaela .png

Rafaela Gracia


"kalau orang lain bisa, kenapa harus saya?"

Koordinator - Elisabeth Fortuna.png

Elisabeth Fortuna Sidauruk

Division Coordinator

"call me swarley"

Wakoor - Joel Jaiden.jpg

Joel Jaiden

Vice Division Coordinator

"Secape-capenya kerja, lebih cape nganggur"

Content Creator

Christina Devina.jpg

Cristiana Devina


"Kunci kesuksesan itu bisa diduplikat"

Dwinanda Anggiarini.jpg

Dwinanda Anggiarini


"one day you will be the best version of you"

Ellen Monica.jpg

Eilen Monica


"dibaca ya guys highlights!nya hehe"

Kirana Nurul Hafidza.jpg

Kirana Nurul Hafidza


"You don't have to be fully healed to receive love again"

Shinta Febriana.jpg

Shinta Febriana


"be yourself no matter what :)"

Soffy Nur Hanifah.jpg

Soffy Nur Hanifah


"ok google, how to get 8 hours of sleep in 3 hours"

Seana Wijaya (Koor DOP).png

Seana Wijaya

Division Coordinator

"play me a song that you like"

Meliani Susanto (Wakoor DOP).jpg

Meliani Susanto

Vice Division Coordinator

"a glimmer of hope, baby"

Christopher Leonaldo.jpg

Christopher Leonaldo


"you make me feel so young"

Director of Photography

Putu Diva Wulan Wiyandhari .jpg

Putu Diva Wulan Wiyandhari


"après la pluie, le beau temps"

Stevanus Arya.jpg

Stevanus Arya Prastya


"reality is not as simple as it seems"

Prosferro Arva Alifio T.jpg

Prosferro Arva Alifio Tektono


"paths i'm taking is all about the wicked and the wise "

Koordinator - Karina.jpg

Karina Prilia

Division Coordinator

"Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved"

Wakor - Raditya Apta.jpg

Raditya Apta Setiabudi

Vice Division Coordinator

"We know what we're doing. Trust each other and we'll be fine."

Social Media

Muhammad Adli Adlan.jpg

Muhammad Adli Adian

Social Media Designer

"So you're telling me we Highlighted this magazine?"

Prajna Ganendra.jpg

Prajna Ganendra

Public Relations

"Siang makan bersama orang tua, malam minum orang tua"

Putri Meliniar.jpg

Putri Meiliniar S

Public Relations

"Tetap santai walau jiwa terbantai"

Art Director - Ryo .png

Ryo Junior Rooroh

Division Coordinator

"If I can't love you, then I just need to beat you

as rival, so that I'll lose my interest in you." 

Angeline Krisna.png

Angeline Krisna

Vice Division Coordinator

"If it's God's will, so be it.

Art Director

Anastasia Michelle.jpg

Anastasia Michelle Maharani Rezanto


"Take extra time for yourself"


Fransiska Ardelia Cahyawijaya


"Be the energy you want to attract"

Erick Jonathan.jpg

Erick Jonathan


"You don't have to be fully healed to receive love again"

Titan Kinertian.jpg

Titan Kinertian Sujatmiko


"Menatap memandang cakrawala..."

Rifa Alfianti.jpg

Rifa Alfianti


"Good things are coming"

Raden Roro Rizkia Nurulita.jpg

Raden Roro Rizkia Nurulita

Division Coordinator

"bekerja keraslah, sampe ibumu tidak membandingkan kamu dengan anak tetangga"

Gabriella Elfrida F.jpg

Gabriella Elfrida Fharine


"Cita-cita berawal dari mimpi, makanya saya suka tidur :)"

Website Manager

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